Friday, August 17, 2012


Hello friends and family! I have a little over three weeks before I hop on a plane and leave for Tanzania, which blows my mind.  I've been thinking about this trip since last November and actually planning since February when I was accepted into the program; so its insane that it's only three weeks away!  I'm feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.  I've never done anything like this before, I've never rode on a plane by myself much less leave the United States; this will be an adventure!

I know this is where God wants me for the semester, everything has worked out so smoothly and according to a plan that I could never fabricate.  Since I was accepted into the program, my parents and I have met people from or heard stories about Kenya and Tanzania.  For example, I was getting one of my immunizations and in the span of ten minutes I met a nurse who was from Tanzania and a man who had spent time doing photo safaris around Kenya.  All these random meetings confirm to me that God is in Africa, He has gone ahead of me and has a plan for this semester.  Though I'm feeling nervous, I know God has something incredible in store!

My study abroad experience will be quite different than most college students.  I am going to Africa with a program called The School for Field Studies (SFS).  SFS is a study abroad organization that is focused on environmental science and sustainability.  There are six locations that SFS brings students: Panama, Bhutan, Australia/New Zealand, Turks and Caicos Islands, Costa Rica, and Tanzania/Kenya. Each site focuses on the big environmental issues the ecosystem and local areas face and engage students in learning through various classes, then send the students into the field to research an issue for themselves.  My program studies and researches wildlife management, making use of the many national parks and game reserves that are in East Africa.  Throughout the course of the semester myself and my other fellow students with spend the first half of the semester in Tanzania, taking our classes and being very studious I'm sure, while the second half of the semester we will move to Kenya and spend the rest of the time doing research.

As for the living arrangements, I won't be living in a dorm or even attending a university.  I will be living in a "bush camp" in both Tanzania and Kenya where our living quarters are thatched-roof "bandas" or little huts.  Though that's really the only information I can give you at this point, once I get to Tanzania, I will fill you in on all the details!

I just want to thank everyone who has helped me and supported me on this venture.  First of all, God who is guiding me somewhere I never expected to go and who I know will never leave my side.  Second of all, my parents.  Without my parents, I would be lost; they have invested 20+ years of their lives into me, constantly supporting, loving, and pushing me.  I just thank them for actually letting me go on this adventure (pray for them, especially my Mom as she is apprehensive about this semester).  I love you Mom and Dad! Thank you for all your support and everything you do, if I listed out all you do, this blog would be never ending.  I thank all my teachers and professors who have encouraged me, wrote letters of recommendation for me, guided me and taught me lessons which prepared me for this trip.  I thank my other family members who have gifted me with materials for this trip such as books and headlamps, family members like my Grandma, who takes time to always keep this trip in their prayers.  Finally, thank you to everyone who has given me words of wisdom, prayed for me, helped me make lists of what I still need to do, and who has always been there for me.  I couldn't do it without all of you! Love you all!

Ok, this post is quite wordy, especially in the "thank you's", but I am so grateful for everyone in my life. I am blessed quite richly.  Keep posted as I will be getting my itinerary soon and I will update everyone on that!  Below are the links to SFS's website if you wanted to look around for yourself and check out a few pictures of where I'll be going.

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