Thursday, October 25, 2012

Serengeti Pictures

 Two male Cheetahs about ten feet from our car!
 This is the male baboon carrying around the dead baby, he had just sat down and was taking the baby out of his mouth.  He put the baby on his lap and began stroking the baby. 
 The young elephant with part of her trunk missing.  
 My new favorite animals, hippos (kiboko in Swahili)
 Leopard taking a mid-morning nap in a tree.
One of the male lions we saw!
Mamba! Crocodile, we drove past him once, then the next time we drove by him he was in the water stalking gazelle who were drinking at the pool.  
South Dakota or Africa?  Looks pretty reminiscent of my homeland to me!


  1. Love the pictures! The baboon and elephant pictures are heartbreaking, however. It must have been amazing to see all those animals so close and in their hatural habitat - unlike seeing them in a zoo.


  2. Keep the pics coming!
    Love, Aunt G
